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Contest for two PhD student positions in the Max Planck Research group at the Małopolska Centre of Biotechnology

Rector of the Jagiellonian University announces a contest for two PhD student positions in the Max Planck Research group at the Małopolska Centre of Biotechnology (NCN OPUS10 - NZ).

The ideal candidate should:

  1. Possess at magister/master degree in biotechnology, biochemistry, molecular cell biology or any related field of life sciences
  2. Have the qualification for being enrolled in a polish PhD program
  3. Have a strong expertise in molecular biology, protein biochemistry and structural biology
  4. Have excellent written and oral communication skills in English (essential)
  5. Have good presentation skills (ideally having presented his/her work on a national/international conference)
  6. Show a good level of independence, self-motivation and reliability
  7. enjoy working in a highly collaborative and interdisciplinary environment

Details in the attachment.

Stanowisko: PhD student
Jednostka: Małopolska Centre of Biotechnology
Termin składania dokumentów: 15.09.2016
Data wytworzenia: 11.08.2016
Data publikacji: 11.08.2016
Osoba publikująca: Estera Podobińska
Data ostatniej modyfikacji: 11.08.2016

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Wersja Data modyfikacji Autor modyfikacji
1.1 11.08.2016 09:23 Estera Podobińska aktualnie przeglądana
1.0 11.08.2016 09:21 Estera Podobińska