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Contest for two (2) positions of Lab Technician in the Małopolska Centre of Biotechnology (funded by FNP FirstTEAM Grant)

Rector of the Jagiellonian University announces a contest for two (2) positions of Lab Technician in the Max Planck Research group at the Małopolska Centre of Biotechnology (funded by FNP FirstTEAM Grant).

The ideal candidate should:

  1. Possess at least a magister or engineer degree in biotechnology, biochemistry, molecular cell biology or any related field of life sciences
  2. Have at least 1 year of professional working experience in a laboratory environment
  3. Have a strong expertise in cell biology and molecular biology
  4. Have good written and oral communication skills in English and Polish
  5. Have good skills of electronic book keeping and standard software suits (e.g. MS Office)
  6. Show a good level of independence, self-motivation and reliability
  7. enjoy working in a highly collaborative and interdisciplinary environment
  8. enjoy supporting and actively interacting with other members of the lab

Details in the attachment.

Stanowisko: Lab Technician
Jednostka: Małopolska Centre of Biotechnology
Termin składania dokumentów: 08.10.2016
Data wytworzenia: 03.10.2016
Data publikacji: 08.09.2016
Osoba publikująca: Estera Podobińska
Data ostatniej modyfikacji: 03.10.2016

Dziennik zmian dokumentu
Wersja Data modyfikacji Autor modyfikacji
1.1 03.10.2016 11:49 Estera Podobińska aktualnie przeglądana
1.0 08.09.2016 13:08 Estera Podobińska