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Contest for a PhD student position (protein engineering) in the Małopolska Centre of Biotechnology (NCN Symfonia – NZ)

Rector of the Jagiellonian University announces a contest for a PhD student position (protein engineering) in the Laboratory of Bionanoscience and Biochemistry at the MAŁOPOLSKA CENTRE OF BIOTECHNOLOGY (NCN Symfonia – NZ).

The laboratory of bionanoscience and biotechnology is an ambitious and expanding research hub for synthetic biology/bionanoscience and is now actively recruiting PhD candidates.

The successful candidate will be involved in designing, producing, purifying and testing novel protein assemblies.

The ideal candidate should:

  1. Possess a magister/master degree in biochemistry, biophysics, biotechnology or related area.
  2. Have experience/expertise of standard molecular biology techniques, particularly with respect to protein production and purification
  3. Have experience of bacterial and eukaryotic cell culture and testing thereof
  4. Have good written and oral communication skills in English
  5. Have good skills of work management and experimental record keeping
  6. Able to work across disciplines
  7. Able to work collaboratively
  8. Willingness to learn new techniques such as cryo-EM
  9. Must be registered (or expect to be registered) as a PhD student on the start date of the position

Details in the attachment.

Stanowisko: PhD student (protein engineering)
Jednostka: Małopolska Centre of Biotechnology
Termin składania dokumentów: 27.09.2016
Data wytworzenia: 23.09.2016
Data publikacji: 23.09.2016
Osoba publikująca: Estera Podobińska